

In addition to transportation and forwarding services, our company offers foreign trade activities consulting.

Relying on extensive experience, we render professional legal services and provide complete confidentiality of contractual relationships with our clients.

Company’s experts offer consultations on application of the legislation and proceedings in the field of foreign trade, determining particular type of question, drawing legal opinion on the basis of legislation and court practice analysis. Our clients can receive  professional consultation on prospects of judicial disputes arising from foreign trade operations.

We can also help you choose the optimum foreign trade contract form, taking into account requirements of currency laws and customs legislations.

Then we will prepare the contract according to Incoterms and international private law and/or we will improve it, taking into account wishes of the client and their counterpart.

Another important task the we can help you solve, is the calculation of expenses for foreign trade operations, as well as development and/or optimization of schemes of the goods’ delivery, accounting of stock in storage.

Perishable goods

Perishable goods

We all love freshly picked fruit, organic milk and sour cream, lightest cheeses made to perfection… How do you preserve the most fragile that we have - natures gifts in freshness and safety?

Raw and stock materials

Raw materials

Rest assured that all necessary materials will be delivery to the building site on time, that the manufacturing will begin on time and that the factory will meet it's performance quota...